Hello Eva's Dad, Gunter!! The answer my friend is blowing in the wind...:)
I had to dig out my old post, I saw Dylan almost 2 years ago as part of my 5oth birthday celebration! Overall, I'm glad I saw Dylan, what I regret is that I never saw him back in the day. Similar to Crossroads, for a man that is such an incredible poet, I was very surprised that he had no interaction with the audience. And he mumbles a little and is unclear sometimes. In addition, I was disappointed I didn't get to hear him play guitar.
Shortly after that concert, there was a thread on the Clapton site and my friend derekiseric, who is very witty and a man of few words, had mentioned he had seen Dylan several times. In a live performance, you just never know...he's seen some GREAT shows and some where Bob mumbled most of the show. Then a little while later I read an interview in Rolling Stone from Ringo Starr. He spoke about seeing Bob in a performance and going backstage during intermission. Dylan said to Ringo, "Is there any song you want me to play?" and Ringo mentioned one and everyone except Ringo started laughing, Dylan had already played it!!! (the mumbling factor again) I have to tell you, I laughed so hard when I read that. Thinking about some of the interviews I've heard of Dylan, sometimes he is a little antagonistic. Being interviewed isn't his favorite thing to begin with, so my sense is he is a deep thinking eccentric artist, which is one of the reasons he is capable of such incredible lyrics and he pours his emotions into the music. Some artists just aren't as comfortable with the audience. We all have to accept the good with the bad sometimes... And I think you're right about Van also, some of the same factors apply.
With all that being said, very few artists come close to Dylan when it comes to songwriting, he is superb!!! And Blood On The Tracks and Blonde On Blonde are my 2 favorites, especially powerful lyrics. At your advice, I will check out his last album.
And bringing this all back to Joe, back in April Joe featured Dylan songs on the Cup of Joe.
Theme: The Blues Plays Bob Dylan
1. Johnny Winter ~ Highway 61 Revisited
2. Leon Russell ~ It Takes Alot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry
3. Kenny Wayne Shepherd ~ Everything Is Broken from 10 Days Out, which Joe thinks is just stellar!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQUaEs3z … re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ole7-bR_ … re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ced8o50G … re=related
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