Loved it, absolutely loved it. I didn't go to the midnight showing but I did manage to get 3 tickets on Fandango for Friday night. Christian Bale's Batman voice got old after awhile, but whatever. Heath was incredible. The fact that the movie caused me pain is evidence of that. Let me explain.
I'm a big guy, standing at 6'2". The movies theater chairs don't give very much leg room so I often end up crossing a leg (makes footsies with the cute yoga partner sitting next to you more fun). Unfortunately I have a bad habit of physically tensing up when the movie gets intense. Long story short when Mr. Ledger had his knife to the various character's mouths, it gave me a cramp in my calf from squeezing too hard. Why so serious?
I didn't know that the movie was 2 and a half hours long, so when Harvey became Two Face I expected the climax and The Joker's death to come soon after. I was wrong, and I'm not exactly unhappy with how the story played out, but it was out of a simple want for MORE movies like this!
"Music is the only thing that you can share with a million million people and you don't lose, you gain. It helps you to get energy and to live long, because when your soul is very happy then you don't want to die." - Ali Akbar Khan