Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Doheny's done now
The festival AND review
What's a girl to do?

Can't move my fingers
Very well after typing
Those last twelve pages

So another book
is out of the question now
How 'bout a trip then?

Yes, that sounds yummy!
And where shall we go, Libby?
JOHIO, of course!!!

I'm leaving this week
On Friday the THIRTEENTH - but,
For me, it's LUCKY!!

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Now, here are some whisky related haikus. Enjoy!



Major Tom to ground control...

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Cookin with salsa
Cookin with humor and soul
Human beings rule

Read the novella
The greatest reading ever
Libby writes and rules

Restless spirit now
Coming down from mountain high
Digging music rules

Gonna pick one up
Will turn myself over to
The music that rules

Acoustic guitar
Sympathetic overtones
Being honest rules

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Jack Loves Patty Loves Joe

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Patty marching yet?
people want to know the scoop.
Bow at the shrine y'all.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

No I have not come
to testify about our
very good fortune

I am here to play
blues from the bottoms for you
bring my E Z Walks

Can't quit my day job
I don't sing or play too good
but I can Funky

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Good grief already
Many haiku-less weeks gone
Did you pass, Vicky?

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

oi gevalt hammer
it's hot out here in the street
I'm getting darker

el sol be shining
it is raining in reverse
and the pavement steams

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Another two weeks
since I've been on the forum
But I'm caught up now

Drove to St Louis
800 miles each way
What a waste of gas

Not my idea
to visit my bro-in-law
Ugh, never again

But when I got home
a Joe t-shirt was waiting...
'twas Christmas in June!

Santa BluesMan Roy,
sorry no milk and cookies,
but thanks once again!

Either you're too kind,
or I was a real good girl...
One or the other  wink

--Vik cool

369 (edited by gsj 2008-06-26 17:27:21)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

summer solstice eh?
so how come it's still raining?
pass me the brolly

let me shield my plants
glorious blooms washed away
poor old bumble bees

no pollen to spread
petals on the decking now
global warming eh?

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

370 (edited by gsj 2008-06-26 17:27:38)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

and another thing
how come the haiku's are long?
take it to the bridge big_smile

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Waiting for results
August, not holding breath though
Could expire that way

Re-sits next June, grrr
Lets hope not eh?, fingers crossed wink
Waiting and waiting

Joe in Liverpool
Something to take my mind off
Poxy exams yeah!

Joe Bonamassa
All else flys from my mind now
Contentment sets in!

Amsterhammer - George
Here's counting to September
Just for you duckie wink

A Netherlands date
Looking for Saturday gig
Space there, there is too!

Signing off for now
Haiku again soon, or not
As the case may be smile


"Stellar" a word used by Joe Bonamassa (also apt as a description of the man himself cool)

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

just like papa James
where's that confounded
bridge? cried Robert Plant

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I'm too tired now
to reply to the emails
some of you sent me

I will reply soon
but for now I'll just say this:
It's all good, my friends  smile

"Imagine Whirled Peas"
If you can't imagine that,
maybe this will help:
http://www.funnytummy.com/pictures/wps.gif  tongue

--Vik cool


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Listening to a
Very special Patty-song:
Walk in my shadows

And sending all the
MarchMarchMarch vibes right over
The big pond right now.

smile                smile                        smile                     smile                       smile                          smile                         smile                   smile


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

What a haiku, Pete!
I doff my hat to the bard
We luv ya Patty

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

Moi aussi in French
Yo tambien in Spanish
Right on! from Home Boy.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms


Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I just discovered
A new Master of Haiku:
Read Allen Ginsberg! smile



Re: Haiku! whats the rules?

I liked Petes better
Heartfelt and true words spoken
Eva is clever

Ginsberg good reading
I prefer homegrown haiku
Windows to the soul

Rock On and Keep the Faith

Jack Loves Patty Loves Joe