Re: Should I spend ....
No, it is the same. Why? Supply and demand. Gas prices are going up because we're not driving less. This is called being price inelastic because no matter what you're doing to the price, the demand is still the same. That's just starting to change though. People are starting to drive less, or are buying more fuel-efficient cars. All of this "people need gas" is somewhat true, but you can still make adjustments. You can carpool. You can get a friggin' bike. You can go get a hybrid or a more fuel-efficient car. There are ALWAYS ways to get around something. Nobody is a slave to anything. When gas went up big in the 70s, people got around that by going to Toyota, who at the time was very much a small Japanese car company.
So, yes, again it goes back to supply and demand. We're demanding the same amount no matter what they charge, instead of giving up that gas-guzzling SUV, or travelling shorter lengths for holidays. Sometimes you've just gotta bite the bullet.
The point is the same thing. These artists can charge what they want to, and the public keeps on buying. Compared to a lot of artists who are just as big, Clapton's are reasonable. Again, you can rail against them all you want, but until the whole public decides that it's not worth it, LIKE GAS, it will keep going up. And here's the thing: there will always be a huge market for a Clapton or Eagles.
I suggest you go back and read jim's post.
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