Re: 'Tis a sad day in "Strat-land" for Strat/Joe fans!!
So Joe, I read the thread, and now I have a question to ask.
I was standing around the other day, with an R9 hanging around my neck, and I thought, I'll do some of those groovy volume swells like Joe, to get the violin sound you use on Blues Deluxe and the Rachmanninoff thing, BUT, large problem, volume knob is way too far from the strings.
Ususally I use a volume pedal to do that anyway, but I notice your pinky worling away pretty hard during those passaes.
How are you going to do that now if you turf the strat completely? Another trick I have done is to put a trem on a really square wave, and attack the strings in the through of the wave, gives a groovy violin sound, but I really do that as a trick and for timing practice, an dit limilts me ot a fixed tempo and note interval.
I guess you can set up a Giggliotti for that I suppose.
This is how: or
Joe can do it on the Gigliotti as well.