Topic: 9 sets of fireworks at once!
OK..I know the Fireworks in Baltimore, like most cities, are spectacular, but I just had an experience only possible in rural America. My friends have a huge log home on a hill within 5 miles of my house. They had fireworks left over from the rain-out last year and a new batch for tonight. Others brought their stashes. After a few practice shots and the ball in Times Square declared 2008, the show started. First there were enough gun shots to warrant a panic attack in any vet, then the "Boom" of lauchers and the entire horizon lit up in spouts of colored lights followed by bangs and grackles, whopping and hollering...I counted 8 seperate areas, probably over a 10 mile radius! It was glorious! Have to admit to loving fireworks..Hope you all had a great adventure of your own! Day 1 Cathy