Topic: 9 sets of fireworks at once!

OK..I know the Fireworks in Baltimore, like most cities, are spectacular, but I just had an experience only possible in rural America. My friends have a huge log home on a hill within 5 miles of my house. They had fireworks left over from the rain-out last year and a new batch for tonight. Others brought their stashes. After a few practice shots and the ball in Times Square declared 2008, the show started. First there were enough gun shots to warrant a panic attack in any vet, then the "Boom" of lauchers and the entire horizon lit up in spouts of colored lights followed by bangs and grackles, whopping and hollering...I counted 8 seperate areas, probably over a 10 mile radius! It was glorious! Have to admit to loving fireworks..Hope you all had a great adventure of your own! Day 1     Cathy

Re: 9 sets of fireworks at once!

Hey sis....sounds like you got what you wanted...sorry I didnt ring your cell, I was busy......It got me to thinking about a New Years fireworks show a few years ago that a friend told me about.....our friends drove up to Montana to look at some property in a rural area with a huge lake being the key attraction....guess there is plenty of money in this community...Eddie DeBartolo, the former owner of the S.F. 49ers has a home their , as well as other "well to do" folks....anyways Eddie and others fly people in from all over the country for this buddy said he drove all over the place during a 3 day period looking at property....well he noticed nearly everyone had these HUGE platforms in their front yards with long tubes some up to 6 inches in diameter to shoot fire my buddy knows alot about explosives....he told me the people started firing these off as soon as the sun went down....4 hours straight!!!...non stop....he said he could only compare it to maybe battleships going to war, and firing all at the same time....they actually ducked a few times, said at times almost frightening....called the greatest firewoks show of alltime...I think the place is called  "Whitefish" or something like that....hey anyone know what I'm talking bout?

Happy New Years.......Dave ( your west coast brother! )