The fact that anyone is currently singing Barry Bonds praises makes me want to puke!
The following link leads to a column by sports columnist Rick Telander that sums up the feelings of a lot of people (myself included):
(click on the article "Bracing for the big embrace")
Among other things, Telander says "When society continues to muscle out sportsmanship and decency, how long until a scoundrel such as Bonds is accepted as a hero?"
Another quote: "Sadly, I can see the cultural evolution is already in gear, feel the incessant grinding away at the cornerstones of society, those things known as sportmanship, dignity, humility, fair play, civility and class".
This is a very well written, interesting article. If you're a sports fan or interested in the issue of performance enhancing drugs, I recommend reading it.
Bill S
"Rock ON & Keep the Faith"