I listened to most of it on Sirius/XM, missing just the last few major awards because I was pretty certain Tedeschi/Trucks would win album and band of the year. I wasn't surprised by most of the winners, except for Joe and Beth getting beat by Tab Benoit. It still amazes me that Joe has never been nominated in the "Gibson" Guitar Award category, Contemporary Male Artist, or Entertainer of the Year. Tab also won for Contemporary Male Artist and Entertainer of the Year. I've seen Tab quite a few times, he's very good, but it's hard for me to believe he could win Entertainer of the Year since his show has always been pretty much the same.
Speaking of entertaining, here's the real kicker. Almost all of the winners were present at the ceremony to receive their awards. Bill Wax - host on XM radio - proudly announced there was about 1300 fans there to watch the ceremony, which of course included performances by a number of the nominees. Meanwhile, Joe, the guy not worthy of Entertainer of the Year, was performing about 200 miles away in Nashville to an audience almost twice that present at the BMAs.
Here's a list of nominees and winners:
http://www.americanbluesscene.com/2012/ … s-winners/