Topic: "You & Me"
First, I want to thank you for all the enjoyment you have given me through your music.
I saw you in Decatur, Il. last year and was hoping you'd make a return visit this year....not to be.
I just purchased your lastest CD, and I must say in all honesty...."IT IS GREAT"!!!!!
In fact, I think I might like it the best....only listened to it about 4 times so far.....gotta give it a fair shake. The best place for me to listen to any music, is in my car. I can turn it up as loud as I want to and nobody "bitches" least if they do I can't hear-em.
I just turned 60 and you are becoming one of my favorites to listen too. This weekend, my wife & I are going to see Dickey Betts & Great Sourthern. He (ABB)has been at the top of my music list since I came home from Nam (1968). I was kind of in a music slump, until I heard you on the radio, a couple of years ago. Since then I've purchased everything you've done....I think.
Anyway, all my best to you and your band. I look forward to seeing you in the future. Congratulations on your recent award. I'm sure there will be many more in your future.
Thank you....from the bottom of my music heart!
Ps......keep the DVD's coming!!!!