One week ago the weather wasn't shining like today ... but my soul was .
What was so special?
The forum meeting before the show.
The forum meeting after the show.
Amazing, to meet people you don't know that well. But we were chatting as if we knew for ages. Great experience.
My first class seat. (Thank you so much, George and there's nothing to excuse. I had such a fantastic view from where I sat and it was great to see some of you in front of me rocking your chairs and nodding your heads just like me.)
Ohh, nearly forgot something: the concert of Joe Bonamassa & Band .
It was great (as always).
A number of mindblowing songs.
Tal brought in positive vibrations and a new spirit. He's not only a master on drums but a master in communicating.
If there's one thing on the negative side: The band really rocked . It was soooo hard sitting on a chair. Still don't like seated venues, no matter how beautiful they are. Especially enjoyed the last song
2 days ago I was banned, now the technique decides where my story ends :-(
... where nobody was sitting on a chair anymore and everybody rocked along with the band.