Topic: You are what you eat!
What the heck am I talking about?.......did not eat well at all the last year, and my bad habbits continued until I was hospitalized on this past Feb 28th.....blood sugar and cholesteral SKY HIGH!....thought I was having serious heart and organ failure, scared the you know what out of me....well I'm still kicking, but on a ridiculous 2000 calorie a day diet, and having to force my 240 LB lumbering body on a Nordic Trac...down to 225 in 3 weeks and got my blood sugar down to 90...
When I was went to the RAH 2 years ago this coming May, I was 190lb with a body broken down on pain can imagine what I feel like now with nothing more than some tylenol to ease the aches
Why do I even post something so personal.....take care of your self everyday, too many people need you around more than we realize..... you see the fear in their eyes and feel you have let them 53 I feel awful, time drags on
Enough of me, please take care of yourself
Now back to some fun stuff....carry on my forum friends