Topic: The Healing Power of Music
Some of you know that I´m currently in the hospital. A weak ago both of my hip joints were replaced. The surgery went very well. Some time before I got a pill just to calm me down. As I usually don´t take any pills, I was simply overwhelmed and slept right away, coming really back to consciousness about 10 hours later. I felt fine and relieved.
Since two days I hardly slept at night - quite understandable because I had to lie on my back all the time. But there was much more about it. I felt outrageous about this @#$%^^&# state of being helpless and being stuck in a certain position. And my mind was producing all kinds of picture to illustrate this ending up in pictures being streched out on the surgery bed, arms and legs fixated, and a tube pressed in your mouth for anaesthesia.
So I realized that my body was starting to cope with the physical trauma of the operation. Your mind knows of course that the doctor is - in most cases- well-meaning and doesn´t torture for fun. Your body doesn´t know. So you are in a schizophrenic position that the mind is happy that the stuff is over while your body is in a state of severe trauma.
Lying there in my sleepless state I was thinking: why the #### do I have to sleep now? I sat up on my bed and put my Ipod on. Usual stuff: some Joe, ZZ Top, BOnnie Raitt, Derek, Warren... I put it on shuffle and realized after some time that I was weeping like hell, but not tears of desperation but of pure joy and bliss. I was telling myself: Well, you love this music, but dont´t you overdo it a bit at the moment. The weeping didn´t like to discuss it. Finally the whole tortured body was kind of shaking free from all this trauma. All I could say was: Music is so wonderful, life is so wonderful.