Guitgator wrote:Hey Nick...two questions...what year is your Lester and what is that weirdazz bass you bud's playin'??
NPB_EST.1979 wrote:you might want to drop $20 and have a local guitar tech check it out. Aside from that....we LOVE to shop for new pickups. You could check out Joe Barden pickups too...
uh oh!
Did you check out my website?
My buddy has a BA from a small private college in Appleton, WI. He took a strat copy bass and totally sawed off the horns. He made the body shaped like an Alien head (kinda looks like aliens from south Park). He sawed the neck shape as well. I have no clue what kind it was.
I dont have pictures posted, but my backup drummer was a guy who played with Bo Didley for a tour. When he played with us, we'd never practice...just gave him a key and go. I guess Bo told him he'd be fired if he ever used the 'ride' symbol - i guess he didnt like that one.
To answer your question about my LP, its a 1973 Custom, w/Gibson engraved in the pickup covers. I put a midrange kit in it, and had the Jimmy Page push/pull coil tapping pots installed way back in 96 when the Page signatures first came out.
- Nic from Detroit...
posting on JB's Forum since 6-2-2006Ask me about my handwound
Great Lakes Guitar Pickups Since 2010, Bonamassa fans have taken advantage of my JB friend discount = my cost + shipping.