What I'm looking at; is exactly what I said before, even though all these other factors come in to play in many ways.
One more time, this is not a stab at technology or manners or youth. My observation and my complaint is lack of focus, discipline and work ethic. Stand in the middle of a busy street and text when the traffic goes by and the machinery is running. You're fired!
I'm standing at the cage with money in my hand and you make me wait to pay you, while you blab and gossip? You and the road striper can text/gossip in the unemployment line. Fired.
Unemployment is devastating in the new economy and you take 90 minutes to write a 20 minute report because you are texting? or picking your nose? You're FIRED.
Let me text Carmine, Joe, Bogie or Rick. They can text me back between songs. Oh well that's different... I beg to differ.
This is not an argument for any of you gents. My point is not about communication. It's about ripping off yourself, your customer, your teamates and your employer because you're distracted by whatever. I just picked text as a place to start.
I'm a simple man. My point is simple. It could be talking on the phone or filing your toenails, instead of texting. I'm at odds with this ADD, multitasking, psychobabble that says it's ok to be a screw up because you're unable to focus on the task at hand.
And then whine in a bar cause nobody understands you or will give you a chance.
I know some staff that say they do better when they're multi-tasking. Bull... some drunks say they drive better after a coupla pops, too.
Please don't take offense, just think about it. This thread just went like some of my conversations at work and home. Perhaps it's my inability to communicate clearly. I say what I think is ABC and somebody will say what you mean to say is BCC.
No it's ABC.
Somebody else: So in a case of bBaBC you have to realize that the backyard needs raking.
No it's ABC. and you're all fired. The janitor says Mr Jones I heard you say ABC. You're promoted!
Growing up is a good idea. Being responsible with some integrity is a good idea.
Rock On & Keep the FAITH
It is
Blues From the Bottoms