I never head of Tim Wilson, but I found this to be EXTREMELY FUNNY, because every day I get up anymore, I think I'm a little more cynical of the world in general. The line from that Network movie keeps spinning in my head...
Stand up wherever you are, go to the nearest window and yell as loud as you can, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore.'
Howard Beale (Peter Finch) in 'Network'
Even though I don't watch any of those tv shows mentioned, I've channelled surfed enough to catch a couple minutes here or there. Raymond has had some funny lines and one of my older brothers kidded my mom once about being like Raymond's mother, don't know her name, but my mom found no humor in it. In general, I think tv has gotten horrible, just my opinion, but reality shows do nothing for me. My husband would categorize me as watching some trash shows, he hates tv...I like Mad Men, a couple other shows on occassion and sports. When I watch tv, I want to escape reality, not watch sad stories, etc. sports, music and cooking shows are the best thing on, IMHO. I use to enjoy some of the nightly cable news shows, but the bickering and partisanship is sickening anymore, I only watch small doses at a time...I'm feeling like Jane looking for the true news or John Lennon for that matter...Just Give Me The Truth!!!! Last night I heard about $$$$$ going to a company in Boston that previously made inferior concrete for the Big Dig... Yikes!!
Rick, about that American distinction...we got that going on in the east coast as well. I'm not talking politics and not everyone in need fits the stereotype, but to add one more layer to Rick's stereotype, I witness them real-life in the doctor's office I work in...they have free health care, don't show up for appointments at the doctor's office, so the doctor is doubly losing $$ and when they do show up, they are demanding, feeling very entitled and their nail polish & lipstick matches their designer pocketbooks and their designer shoes...are non-compliant patients and wouldn't think twice about suing the doctors arse when their diabetes runs wild and they have a diabetic ulcer that won't heal because they eat too much of the wrong food, which then leads to free hospitalization in an effort to avoid an amputation of a gangrenous area....and during their visit, you have the pleasure of listening to them tell you about their trip to Atlantic City....
That felt good to vent, thanks dawg...now I have the strength to go to work and battle insurance companies for payment...
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