My dear Patty,
What are you smiling about? Mother nature has painted a big bullseye on the area that we live and you're smiling? Oh my aching back! Had at least 10 inches if not more of heavy, wet concrete like snow in my driveway this morning. That was after shoveling it out last night. Got up at 4:00 AM and even the 8 hp snowblower was choking on this crap! Totally impossible to shovel it by hand; even a small shovel full was back breaking. And more to come! Followed by strong northwest winds and single digit temperatures!
You know, each year that I get older the same question always comes to me after a snow fall like this. And that question is, What am I still doing living here?
Dreaming of Cancoon again.........
Oh and by the way Lyn, that's a lovely picture of you! Here's another of happier times: … 059666620/
Joe is the Best!