Yeah, when I was taking lessons (I recently stopped, my teacher stopped teaching) my teacher had me run what he called the CAGED exercises. That's taking C, A, G, E, and D chords, and playing them up and down the neck. So you play C in the standard position in the "C" shape, then in the "A" shape, then in the "G" shape, then the "E", then the "D", all of those being C chords, and then you do the same thing with A, in all the shapes, and G, E, and D, in all the shapes.
That really forced me to learn the notes on the fretboard, that and he would have me find an A on every string to a metronome, then A#, B, C, C#, D, etc.
It's tiresome but it's been worth it. Just recently I've found that it's real useful for playing stuff in a major key, which blues players tend to do less often than minor keys.
"Music is the only thing that you can share with a million million people and you don't lose, you gain. It helps you to get energy and to live long, because when your soul is very happy then you don't want to die." - Ali Akbar Khan