Topic: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

To all guitarists, all of you, do you "know your fretboard?"? Like can you point out every B C and D on the fretboard instantly with hardly any effort? I'm really bored and am considering learning this, however I am having an inner dialog concerning whether or not it's worth my time...

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

Not me.  Given a key, I can probably point out 4-5 areas to play that note quickly but not all of them right away.  The way I look at the fretboard is I see paths and shapes, like places I can safely tread and then there are a couple of places off the beaten path that can sound cool in the right context.  I should probably know more about it, but I'm too lazy!  It definately couldn't hurt to really map out and understand the guitar and how the notes relate to each other.  Don't forget, while knowledge is important SOUL is even moreso.

'67 and '74 Fender Twin Reverbs, '74 Marshall 1987 lead mkII, Metro Superlead 100. Pedals from TC Electronic, Ibanez, Dunlop, BK Butler, Electro-Harmonix, Fulltone, Maestro/Gibson, Loopmaster switching, VoodooLab, Boss. Gibson and Fender guitars, Dimarzio pickups.

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

BC&D test:

I can without little second guessing betw the 1st and 12th fret.
I know it starts over after that, but I lost my attention span.

I'd give myself a 88% on knowledge and speed on this one.

- Nic from Detroit... posting on JB's Forum since 6-2-2006
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Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

stratpaulguy86 wrote:

Not me.  Given a key, I can probably point out 4-5 areas to play that note quickly but not all of them right away.  The way I look at the fretboard is I see paths and shapes, like places I can safely tread and then there are a couple of places off the beaten path that can sound cool in the right context.  I should probably know more about it, but I'm too lazy!  It definately couldn't hurt to really map out and understand the guitar and how the notes relate to each other.  Don't forget, while knowledge is important SOUL is even moreso.

Yeah that's the way I see it to, however being able to spider-sense possible licks in unknown areas would be a useful superpower

5 (edited by JBJHJM 2009-07-19 13:55:31)

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

I can't immediately point ALL positions of a tone on the fretboard, but I'd also be able to point out four to five positions...

I don't play like " hey let's play a B ", furthermore it's like " ok here's an E chord let's play a seventh ".
I know were I can find the keynote and based on that I'm thinking in interval-based, structured patterns and figures.

Here are my tabbed songs by "Smokin' Joe":
I LIKE MUSIC! big_smile big_smile big_smile

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

Never said anything about playing sevens over e chords, simply if you know all the notes on the fretboard tongue

Knowing all notes on the fretboard doesn't make you a mechanical or less soulful player

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

ZampraZ wrote:

Knowing all notes on the fretboard doesn't make you a mechanical or less soulful player

Of course not wink

It's just the difference of "seventh of e - thats a d.. where can I find a d... playit" and "seventh of e... that's 10 half tones... so the seventh of e is there"

Here are my tabbed songs by "Smokin' Joe":
I LIKE MUSIC! big_smile big_smile big_smile

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

ZampraZ wrote:

can you point out every B C and D on the fretboard instantly with hardly any effort?

Only on the E strings. smile

It takes me a few seconds but I can do it with the rest of them too.  I know the location of the root notes in each pattern of the minor pentatonic and I just back them out until I get to the high/low E or to the nut/12th fret.

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

Somewhat. Not names, like B or C, but definitely positions where it is the same note.

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

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Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

I mainly know it by octaves. If you know the low E string then you know the D string. Same with A and G...therefore it's a matter of just seeing the octaves between the D and B and G and E.

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

Here guys, let Joe show you how it's done. Pay attention now: wink


Joe is the Best!

12 (edited by ZampraZ 2009-07-20 20:49:28)

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

BluesMan wrote:

Here guys, let Joe show you how it's done. Pay attention now: wink


Hehe, Joe is talented but maybe teaching isn't his strong point. However what he is talking about there is always having a pattern to play in every position on the fretboard. I'm talking about pinpointing notes. Is pinpointing notes useful? Not sure, that's why I'm having this discussion tongue

13 (edited by Danny! 2009-07-20 22:32:40)

Re: Do you "know your fretboard?"?

Yeah, when I was taking lessons (I recently stopped, my teacher stopped teaching) my teacher had me run what he called the CAGED exercises. That's taking C, A, G, E, and D chords, and playing them up and down the neck. So you play C in the standard position in the "C" shape, then in the "A" shape, then in the "G" shape, then the "E", then the "D", all of those being C chords, and then you do the same thing with A, in all the shapes, and G, E, and D, in all the shapes.

That really forced me to learn the notes on the fretboard, that and he would have me find an A on every string to a metronome, then A#, B, C, C#, D, etc.

It's tiresome but it's been worth it. Just recently I've found that it's real useful for playing stuff in a major key, which blues players tend to do less often than minor keys.

"Music is the only thing that you can share with a million million people and you don't lose, you gain. It helps you to get energy and to live long, because when your soul is very happy then you don't want to die." - Ali Akbar Khan