Second on blues junior, bang for buck thing. Look on Craigslist for deals locally, you will see them quick. Also, get on Gear Page to get you up to speed on everything out there. I'd buy a mex strat or epiphone locally as they all match musicians friend prices; but you can look it over; fit, feel, neck, ect. I'll go thru like 20-30 epips at local stores before I find one acceptable; strats seem more uniform but really look necks over. I have a couple strats and have changed to S.D. surfer pups, Callaham bridge, LSR nuts (to play around with different strings), and I really like those Planet Waves tuners; also luv them snake oils. Can't figure how fender sells their stuff with standard single coils.
My 14 year old wanted geetar 2 years back; I had mustang/vibrolux reverb late 60's. Hadn't played in all that time. So I bought him amer strat, TRRI custom 15; he played for a month or so and didn't sound like Jeff Beck, gave up; too immature I think. Six months later, I picked it up, started doin cowboy chords again, making wifey sing, ha ha. Got a few dvd's (Greg Koch, Johnny A, Jim Weider, Ronnie Earl, bunch of them out there), and Hal Leonard SRV Lightnin Blues 2nd edit & Edly's Music Theory for Practical People 2nd edit. Will get ya goin quick. THen you can go back to Robert Johnson, T-bone, Hooker, O Rush, freddy King, on and on. GET WITH other players, do more good than anything.
Ya know, I play an hour or so in morn and again before go to bed; boy I wish would have connected as a kid many years back. Quick got a couple fender amps, and bought a Bruno 35 Cowtipper, couple strats and gettin ready to order a lentz. Playin makes one feel so good. And ya know, best thing about it all just playin myself, got me into Bonamassa, Duarte, Trout, and all the great music been missin for all these years.
I have guitar friends that are forever buying selling geetars like other friends buy/sale guns as they get tired of them. Usually these guitars are in nice shape and got all the probs worked out, smooth as silk; check those out. My 2 cents.