I'm 27, I've had a full time job at the same place for 9 years which is around a $40,000 job now. So I've had a lot of fun in my 20's. I've had around 20 guitars, several amps, would come and go as I pleased because I bought a house at 21, had a mustang, then had a nice truck, went to concerts every week for a long time. I never got out of control. I never got high rarely drank, never smoked, no tattoos or pearcings, was even active in my church big time. around October of 2005 I decided I needed a girl friend and with in 3 months I was expecting a baby and was married. Now I'm married with 2 kids and another kid on the way. I've traded my nice truck in for a honda oddessy, and my guitars are down to 4 or 5. I don't go out in public anymore because my kids are wild as hell, and rarely do I go to chuch because my son won't stay in his class room he's 2. Some would say I should regret something... maybe not having birth controll. Such is life, you play with the cards your delt and its up to you to use them the best way for you. I have no regrets about my wife or our kids. But I do wish I waited a few years longer or spaced the kids out a bit. THis june will be 3 under 3 for 2 months and they are all still in dipers.