Show last night was excellent. Joe, Carmine, Rick and Bogie were well rested and cranked it up. The venue had a broadway type of production going in between Joe's show so there was some additional stage for Joe to work with. It was like a H design with Joe being able to go wireless! He was really working the crowd last night.
The setlist:
Ballad of John Henry
Last Kiss
So Many Roads
Mountain Time
Another Kind of Love
Sloe Gin
Great Flood
Lonesome Road Blues
Happier Times
Your Funeral My Trial
Blues Deluxe
Woke Up Dreaming
Just Got Paid
**** Encore ****
Ball Peen Hammer
Story of a Quarry Man
Asking Around For You
The show was a little over two hours. Our seats were in the pit, part of the H. There were 7 seats in our side and the stage went around three sides of us. Really a different perspective, got some great pictures. Got to see Roy Britt, Jon Cox and Van Blalock and Rich great photographer. Joe was looking great, he told me before the show he was down to 162 pounds. Loose much more weight Joe, you are going to have to run around in the shower just to get wet! Carmine was doing great, checking out some cool new bass that night. They are all really looking forward to the RAH, going to be very memorable. Joe and I talked about the 2005 London tour and have far they have come since then.
All the songs were great, but the ones that stood out, was So Many Roads, stellar solo. Happier times is a real special song, like the opening to Blues Deluxe and Woke Up, nice to see a little change. Just Got Paid, just got better with his flying V. At the end of Just Got Paid, Joe walked up or ran up a ramp behind Bogie and was like 20 feet above the stage, wailing! That was pretty cool. The encore songs were great, and the crowd behaved pretty good during Asking Around. Over 1100 in attendance, absolutely fantastic turn out for the first time playing in Greensboro and on a Wednesday night.
Music is good for the Soul...