Topic: Tivoli-Utrecht
After checking out Utrecht. Again in the rain.Really hate this dutch climate.
We first looked where the venue was and after that we had a nice meal in a little place where they served great food.We have to take care of ourselves and have some decents meals when we're travelling around our little country ourselves .
Doors went open around 19.30. Crosby started (i guess) around h20. Really loved his sound, great voice!
Joe himselve started around 20.30.
Again a briliant show last night.Even better than the night before.
Newcommer on the setlist: `Your funural` was great.Somebody posted a video from it on Youtube as i saw in an other topic.
Venue a bit smaller than the night before,but the crowd was awesome.
They all loved it and again sold out! Way to go Mr.Popartist!
There was a little change in the order of the setlist compare to the gig in Eindhoven.
Again,just outta bed. Don't need a lot of sleep I guess.
Sound was perfect and so was the band. Played really tight and again on fire.Really enjoyed last night again.Made some pics last night but will post them after the other gigs were going to see this week.
Have a great night in Groningen,for those how will go there!(think that all the dutch shows were sold out )
Today,a day off,time to take some rest for me and my buddy Annelies.
But tomorrow a new day!