Yeah, I can't stand the Texas Specials. I bet you'll be much happier with just about anything else.
Rios are great! And nowadays, there are a LOT of great choices. So, you need to try and define what you're wanting. Also, what Amp you primarily play through. All the choices will be "Start" PUs. Not too much difference. But, if you choose wisely, you'll get a really nice mix.
So, hotter than standard? Weaker, and more Vintage? Do you want a HB in the Bridge position? etc.
Here's some great choices:
Seymour Duncan
Rio Grande
Van Zandt
Bare Knuckle
And there's a whole lot more!
I would suggest going to every Music Store you can find, and playing every Strat (And, Strat-Styled guitar) you can. Listen to them all. See what brand and model PUs each has. Are there any commonalities between the ones you prefer? Or, between the ones you don't care for?
Here's some choices for more "Vintage" type Tones:
Fender 57/62s (Early 80s models), Lollar Tweeds, Lollar Blondes, Fralin Vintage, SD Antiquities, Bare Knuckle Irish Tour, Rio Vintage TallBoys
For more "Modern" Tones:
Fralin Blues Specials, SD Alnico Pro 2,
Hotter PUs:
SD Quarter Pounder (A personal Favorite. Kind of like a mini P-90!), Dimarzio HS-3, Rio Muy Grande
Hope this helps to get you started. Also, check the website for ACME Guitarworks. They have a bunch of sound clips to listen to. So does the SD website.
Early 80's 1957 U.S. Vintage Reissue Stratocaster (Surf Green)-Warmouth Soloist Pearly Gates Neck, Pearly Gates Bridge- Larrivee D-03 (Mahogany/ Spruce)
Carmen Ghia Head- Marshall 112 Cab W/G12H 30 or Custom 4 X 6v6 Head or Budda Twinmaster Plus Head-Traynor 212 Cab w/Eminence Texas Heats.
Mo'D-Eternity-Blues Pro- Timmy-BYOC Chorus/Vibrato- TC SCF- Korg DT 10 Pedal Tuner