I use a volume pedal through the loops of my amps because I'm really lazy! For those trying to get the volume thing on LP guitars use the neck pickup or use a volume pedal with any pickup you want. Strats are the easiest due to how the controls are laid out. As far as picking I personally use mostly downstrokes but I think alternate picking is possible. Do whatever is easiest for you! I find that picking technique is one of the most unique aspects from player to player. I recommend the Boss volume pedals because they are passive (no batteries!) and don't have a cheezy string like the Ernie Ball ones do.
'67 and '74 Fender Twin Reverbs, '74 Marshall 1987 lead mkII, Metro Superlead 100. Pedals from TC Electronic, Ibanez, Dunlop, BK Butler, Electro-Harmonix, Fulltone, Maestro/Gibson, Loopmaster switching, VoodooLab, Boss. Gibson and Fender guitars, Dimarzio pickups.