Topic: ISP Decimator or Decimator G-String anyone use one?
Hi guys-
I play strats exclusively and get that standard single-coil buzz. I borrowed a Hush pedal at my last gig and as impressed how it cut down the noise. I was doing some research and found that the ISP Decimator is like the next generation of Hush pedals but they have two designs. 1. You run it in-line in front of the amp and 2. The G-String model which has nothing to do with the G-string but rather incorporates your effects loop as well. So you have your guitar-effects-decimator G-string + Effects send>GE-7>BBESS>decimator G-string>effects return.
There's about $100 difference between the basic Decimator and the G-string model but it would be worth it to have a quiet rig. I was impressed how much better the Hush pedal worked than my amp's on-board noise gate which is a bit harsh in its cutting on and off.
Main Channel Band
Charlotte, NC