I, too, stumbled across the "Ceriatone" name here and another place or two and after doing some digging on the 'net, it seems like everyone is singing the praises of these amps, which you can buy in pieces and assemble yourself if you're so inclined, or buy completely built, for significantly less than the amps that they are "clones" of. I would love to know if anyone within a few hours' drive of Maryland has the 18W Marshall (1974x) clone, I am seriously considering purchasing one but clearly can't go to Malaysia to try one.
I did help build a Heathkit color TV back in the 70's but don't trust my soldering abilities that much, and from the little I've read there's not much in the way of "instructions" so you probably need to have some idea of how an amp is built before you embark on the journey yourself, but the prices for the "complete" amps don't seem to be significantly larger, considering.
The YouTube "demos" of these amps seem to generally sound pretty good, considering what kind of tone you can get with a camcorder, digitial camera or webcam, but I'm sure we'd all love to hear any personal testimony....
P.S. Mitch: Thanks for your reply in the other post. I'll keep it in mind.
Takers get the honey, givers sing the blues