Topic: Kid Rock bluesin' it up Hooker style !
Thought some of you might like this little diddy ! From VH1 Storytellers.
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Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Kid Rock bluesin' it up Hooker style !
Thought some of you might like this little diddy ! From VH1 Storytellers.
Im love that dirty white boy, that was cool!....I can NEVER play him in the car with my wife with me...."that has to be Kid Rock, change that crap right NOW!".....uh, ok church lady
With each passing album, as he refines his sound, I like Kid Rock more and more. Sure, he's a dirty partying crazy white guy, but he's just doing it like they did back in the 70s.
I loved that sorytellers Kid Rock special. So much I recorded it. His tunes get me going. Even the older Devil Without a cause. His new stuff has that Skynerd feel and I like it and not ashamed to admit it here with all my blues rock friends.
Years ago I went through my Kid Rock phase and still ocassionally listen to his older stuff. This past Summer a friend gave me his new album to listen to and I only liked the single, All Summer Long. I thought the rest of the songs were nothing but retreads of earlier efforts that had long since lost their novelty.
Pretty cool ... I´m always a bit ashamed of liking Kid Rock, but I kind of do (and I seem to be in good company).
I listed to his stuff a lot when I was about 14/15 and in my Limp Bizkit phase .... but now that I listen to him again I think he´s actually good - and "I like AC/DC and ZZTop" so ........
Pretty cool ... I´m always a bit ashamed of liking Kid Rock, but I kind of do (and I seem to be in good company).
I listed to his stuff a lot when I was about 14/15 and in my Limp Bizkit phase .... but now that I listen to him again I think he´s actually good - and "I like AC/DC and ZZTop" so ........Eva
I find your post is making me laugh....hey, your a big girl now, so listeh to whatever you like....I was going through my head of the list of songs that Kid Rock, AC/DC, and ZZTop play and I thought....OH NO, they got to her!! ....:lol:
I've always loved Kid Rock and I know his earlier stuff was extreme, but I've been trying for years to get my Blues/Classic Rocker friends to check out his last couple of albums and they still think of him as the crazy rap/rock guy who does nothing but swear. After this last album they are coming around and saying the exact same thing some of you are saying.
Let me just say that much like our beloved Joe, when you see him perform live your appreciation will go to a whole new level ! Kid Rock's shows are just one big rock n' roll party ! An amazing showman with one of the best bands on the road !
Joe Bonamassa Forum → Other Artists → Kid Rock bluesin' it up Hooker style !
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