Topic: Like a Hurricane
Adam Sandler is rocking my world. I happened onto this because I'd set my TV up to catch Craig Ferguson, on right after Letterman. So it caught the last 5 minutes of Adam Sandler's appearance. Untill I saw this I have been solidly in the "NOT an Adam Sandler fan" camp. So I am grining ear to ear as I'm delighted to admit a complete rehabilitation of my respect for Mr. Sandler. I only hope Neil Young saw this.
You'll definately want the sound on. It doesn't need to be at earsplittin'boomer loud, but you may find yourself cranking it up anyway...
I am still, like, speachless. I just sit and watch with amazement. I think I probably have that 'savant' look to me right now! It's that good. He's got it SOOO nailed. Besides, his guitarist Waddy Wachtel, I don't believe would go along at any co$t if Sandler couldn't hold up his end of the song, volcally, not to mention being a capable guitarist. I mean, I had NO idea...
I can tell how impressed Paul Schaffer's guitarst, Felcia Collins, the lady directly behind Adam, is; she's grining like me. And then her vigorus applause at the conclusion validates Sandler's performance. Well, to me anyway. I can't quit playing this peice.
"Becareful what you wish for,
If you don't practice what you preach."