Topic: Another Strat question

Does anybody know any mods you can do to the Powerhouse Strats Circuit boost.  Its currently 12 db and I read a long time ago fender put something to cap it off so they could sale these differently from the 25 db boost circuits.  Let Me know if you can I got one and yeah I'm trying to make it 25 db mid boost.  This is also totally different strat then the one I was asking about earlier.

Re: Another Strat question

ADD3- I want to suggest a different site to you called  There are really alot of Fender players there who know every idiosycracy of you Stratocaster inside and out. I also play a Stratocaster. There's no question it's a great instrument. Also, if you try that site- you will find "Bonamassa's Basement"... He has his own devoted area which is really cool-
   I often have questions about the Stratocaster too... but I try to keep myself in check here- because I wouldn't want to put myself before Joe's big sponsor, Gibson. The Gibsons are absolutely great too. I think that part of the reason Joe hasn't had more to say about Fender here is because it would be kind of a diservice to his new 'Family'.  I am looking at the Goldtop Les Paul tribute guitars and wondering what will happen in 09... I remember the "Iced Tea" colored Lester that he played here in October- that was my favorite...
    Back to  you Add3- I also noticed that you stated that you don't use the 'whammy' bar... neither do I. You really shouldn't need to. You can use vibratos, bends and pulls to be more expressive on your guitar in my opinion. You can also completely lock out the bridge if you want. There's nothing wrong with the strat to learn with- and it's a class guitar too. However, it has a longer scale than a Les Paul- which does make it slightly more difficult to do bends. But, if you can do bends on an acoustic guitar than you can surely do it with the Strat too.

"All You have to do is write one true sentence..." E. Hemingway

Re: Another Strat question

Thanks for the link.  I've owned many different guitar over the years from fender and gibson so I'm not trying to say I'm favoring one over the other.  I tinker with guitar and none of mine are original. so anyways what I'm getting at is when I ask a question I really just looking to see if anybody else has mess around with what I'm looking at right now.  I mean this with the greatest respect to you, Joe, and all the other Gibson guys.  I don't care about Gibson being Joe's sponser.  They don't pay me a dime, I do like their guitars, but just because Joe plays one and this is his forum doesn't mean I'm going to keep quite on a question that doesn't even concern Joe.  I respect the man and I understand he has to choose what he says carefully, but I wasn't addressing Joe.  I was addressing anybody that has any input on my latest goof ball project.  Sorry if that offens anybody, I didn't mean it too.