Happy Birthday Geoff, my fellow 11.11. Scorpio!! We share a wonderful and easy-to-remember birthday, don´t we?! You can´t beat the time of my birth though: it´s 2:22 - really!!
Thank you for all your kind birthday wishes - they´re the icing on the cake of a great day that started out with ZZTop (got "Live from Texas" from my dad), contiuned with Joe (learned "Heartaches were nickels" in my guitar lesson) and ended with Walter Trout, who was so kind to play a birthday show for me today! The show was absolutely great and the best thing was that he personally handed me his pick after the encore - when I told him afterwards that it´s my birthday, he wrote "Happy Birthday" on my CD and said that the pick was a birthday present.
Thanks again and good night , Eva