So I have listened to the stuff the Moods sent me. its too good not to play.
But at the same time, I think doing a 60 minute block will be insulting to the rest of the world. I cannot imagine the backlash from Anthony Gomes, or Eric Johnson fans if I did soemthing like this.
So here is what I did, with Math. I am going to play a grand total of 30 minutes of Joe B music between 9 and 12. More than any other artist except maybe RL Burnside.
All of it will come from the cds from the Moods.
On Nov 21, I will play 30 minutes in a row.
I think that telling me that I need to eat humble pie, or that I am getting something out of this, or the proof is in the pudding, or that I will takle my ball and go home is insulting to me. I think the people who said it are insulting.
I am not going to ask you for a favor, and I am still going to play your guy. See that Ragamuffin...people do things for nothing all the time.
so, unlike ANY OTHER BLUES MUSICIAN, I took the time to come here and let you know Your guy will be played.
Now what would the eric johnson, bb king, steve vai, whoever message boards think of that sort of unfair treatment, I did not go to them.