Topic: Keep it simple ...
Wow, here it is: number 1000.
I told George on the phone yesterday: If I tried to write down everything that Joe´s music and this forum has changed in my life, I would probably still sit here in front of my keyboard at Christmas Eve ... so I will try to keep it simple (stealing a quote from Van Morrison) and say the things I have to say as short and simple as I can...
When I joined this forum 1 1/2 years ago, I had NO idea that I would find a place full of the crazy, witty and warm-hearted musicfreaks and true friends that you all are. I always thought that internet-forums are for the people who have problems in finding friends in their real life and for those who have nothing else to do with their time ... but apparently I was wrong.
I have met quite a few of my Bonabuddies in reality now and no matter where they came from, what language they spoke or how old they were - there was always a connection right away. I don´t even want to start describing all the funny moments, the laughter and the magical music-moments we had together - and so I´ll just say that I really love you all and that I´m so thankful to have met all you wonderful people. Here´s the point where everyone can get their handkerchiefs ready, by the way ....
Now - Joe. No words possible and no words necessary. Thank you for playing my "soul-music".
There is just no Band on earth for me that could compare to our Fab4
Thank you all for being my friends!!