Re: Pittsburgh Blues Festival

The "schtick" part isn't pre-conceived, I don't think.  He's just an incredibly talented 21 y/o that just happens to be goofy too.  He'll do a wacky number, animated as hell, then pull out that "polished" part that you saw and leave the whole room with their jaws on the floor.  He's so full of life that he can't contain himself sometimes, is all.  He told me he doesn't drink, or get high.....and I believe him.  The boy ain't right, but he's freakin' perfect in his own way.....and humble as a monk.....

After the CD party, he heads back to LA, which I guess is his base now.  And I'm guessin' that as he matures he'll get a little more serious.....but I hope not too much.  I think it's refreshing that he DOESN'T take himself too seriously.  He's a happy kid that's being true to himself.....good thangs come out of that kind of attitude.....

They're at home still runnin' for bells
Better San Juan
Than that blue collar hell

Re: Pittsburgh Blues Festival

Just another note on Zak..His parents were with him and I spoke to his dad. It seems he's just willing to go with the flow so to speak. A "free spirit" for sure. I also think he has skills and talent that are off the chart. He's so comfortable with a guitar in his hands. He doesn't strum and pick, he "dances" all over the frets..I hope to hear more about him. I hope his quirkiness doesn't hold him back. More hope for the young'ins!  Cathy

Re: Pittsburgh Blues Festival

WOW you guys!!!  Sounds like GREAT FUN!!!!  Wild times!!!!  Fantastic reviews and stories Cathy and Jim!!!  Thanks for sharing.

I hope your back is better Jim.  And - thanks for some of the quirkier details - like the photographer story ........ you're right....... somethin' like that ALWAYS happens - ya just never know exactly when, who or WHAT it will be....... but, it'll be memorabe..... AND it'll be freaky...... AND, it'll be FUN!!!

smile  Libby  smile

I know that Joe could play one of those kid's guitars with the plastic strings and make it sound good-
Bill S.