Topic: "I´m not there"
did any of you guys see the Bob Dylan movie "I´m not there" ? And if yes, how did you like it?
I saw it maybe a week ago and have a little mixed feelings about it ... of course the music was good and Cate Blanchet was fantastic - she looked more like Bob than all the guys did ... but I thought the movie was a bit too long and too obviously artistically minded if I use the right word and you understand what I mean .
All in all the idea of splitting up Bob´s charakter into 6 (?) different persons worked out well in my opinion, but as I already said - it got a little long in the end ...
The soundtrack is pretty good as far as I can say - lots of people interpreting Dylan´s songs in a new way ... also got "Blonde on Blonde" out again, because in the end nobody can whine like the master himself !