Topic: What other options do I have...HELP ME

I've been talking to the wife about selling our house and buying  one with a "In laws house" in the know what I'm talking about?....a small little home in the back thats seperate from the main hose....why? you ask...because I cant play my music loud in any part of the house...I meen not even in the garage.....NO!!....I'm not putting on head phones...I"ve got some very nice Sony ones that I use late at night when Debs sleeping....I've been told to go in my truck and drive around if i want to crank it at a high volume....come on, thats rediculous!....what should i do?....please dont ask me to nail "egg cartons" on the walls in the music/computer know whats really cool...I call and talk to Cathy Siler in MD.....she'll say check this out...she holds the phone up for me to listen to her roomate downstairs playing his guitar...and it's LOUD!...I wish she could talk to Deb and tell her how happy it makes "Shredit" feel to hear that way I'm going to do any ideas....come on now...just one PLEASE.


2 (edited by bigjeffjones 2008-01-08 11:21:28)

Re: What other options do I have...HELP ME

Shred, no room where you're at??? 

Reason I ask is...I'm going to put in a prefab garage on a slab and insulate it.  Probably build a loft and a kitchenette in there too.  All my music/studio stuff and my motorcycles and my girlfriend will go in there.  That way the wife won't have to look at us when we get cute.  Ain't I a nice man?

Just kidding about the girlfriend.  Have you ever seen my wife?  She's much prettier that my girlfriend.

I'm not helping, am I?  BWAAAH HAAA HAA!


Edited to say you're really running up the numbers...good for you.

Rock On & Keep the FAITH
             It is
Blues From the Bottoms

Re: What other options do I have...HELP ME

Find some local open jams and blow THEIR doors off!

- Nic from Detroit... posting on JB's Forum since 6-2-2006
Ask me about my handwound Great Lakes Guitar Pickups
Since 2010, Bonamassa fans have taken advantage of my JB friend discount = my cost + shipping. cool

Re: What other options do I have...HELP ME

Shred, You are a maniac! Got to give you bonus points for the lengths you're willing to go to! LMAO..You don't want to hear it BUT headphones are the way to go..Wireless, and now they have Blue Tooth....Get an I-Pod if you don't have one and BOOM..You're mobile...Jimmy only plays for certain hrs when he knows my Mom is awake. After 10pm here, EVERYTHING is by headphones. The best sound possible in my opinion. Or, you could do what my friend in N.C. did..He built a "Manroom"...I could live in it..Cherry wood, bathroom, kitchen, widescreen, stereo to die for, pool table and bar..and he's a bachelor! Oh, he added a pool this year..I'll see him on the cruise and ask if he wants a roommate part-time! lol           Sister Cate

Re: What other options do I have...HELP ME

how about those noise cancelling headphones by Bose....for Deb
other than that If you have room on your property build something soundproof,make it a recreation room.

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Your hard sweet and sticky