Congrats Bill!!!
I don't know if Shred is still posting so I'll do this for him:
Jane H.---------BONAMETAL 2255
BluesMan ------BONAMETAL 1582
cathysiler ------BONAMETAL 1248
David A. -------BONAMETAL 1177
pattyluvsjoe ---BONAMETAL 1075
Rocket ---------BONAMETAL 1064
Nick ------------Admin 1019
Bill S -----------Bonametal 1000
The next 5 people in the running are:
NPB_EST.1979 -Platinum 840
Angela ---------Platinum 827
Shredit ---------Platinum 826
Deezer ---------Platinum 705
David -----------Platinum 702
Oh, and why isn't Bonametal in all capital letters for Bill?