Topic: Effects loop question

Is there any way to simulate or create an effects loop in an amp that does not otherwise have one?  (in my case 59 bassman ltd)

thanks to anyone who knows,

Re: Effects loop question

Hey man,
            As far as I know,  no.  Is there an issue with delay?  cuz that can be a huge issue when not in the loop, i went through that not too long ago.  the loop cant be copied becuase it actually runs whatever pedal you have behind the pre amp(...i think, help me if im wrong, i know its ruyn behind one of the amps) so its not out front and in your face.  hope this helps.

Fender '62 reissue Stratocaster, 2001 Gibson Les Paul Studio(Stock), Marshall JCM900 100W Head, Original 1972 Carvin 4/12 Cabinet,Ibanez Ts9 Reissue, Keeley Compressor, Boss DD-3 Delay, Vox Wah

Re: Effects loop question

Yeah, delay was the main thing.  I have a delay pedal that I've been running between the guitar and amp, but keep hearing that is absolutely not the way to go, but don't really have any other way cause of the amp lacking an effects loop.