1 (edited by Curby 2018-05-29 01:33:03)

Topic: Lindsay Ell and the Downfall of John Mayer

I came across Lindsay's new release titled The Continuum Project and was a bit shocked someone would remake one of the best albums of this new millenium, much less a "country" gal doing Mayer solo.  Covering song for song Continuum just like Ryan Adams did the same for Taylor Swift's 1989,  Ell's "covers" are immediately raw and go lick for lick with Mayer's guitar playing.  None of these songs top the originals, but I was pleasantly surprised how much I like this gifted young guitarist.
Meanwhile my once favorite artist has slipped to a shadow of his former self.


Re: Lindsay Ell and the Downfall of John Mayer

Curby wrote:

Meanwhile my once favorite artist has slipped to a shadow of his former self.

+1 on that. The guy has a melodic/blues gear to die for and it seems he is the only one on earth that doesn't know he has it. What a waste... But I will wait. Waited for Clapton to come back, will wait for Mayer.

3 (edited by Curby 2018-06-01 23:54:44)

Re: Lindsay Ell and the Downfall of John Mayer

I was hoping someone would post about Lindsay's album.  She's a Country" artist, but her would be producer asked her what her favorite album is and she said John Mayer's Continuum.  I personally love his blues bent on his Trio album.  That is the album that resurrected me so long ago from Greatest Hits compilations of my classic rock artists.  I actually believed acceptable music died in the mid 70's.  I had bought Mayer's Room For Squares and liked it and later really listened to Continuum after I'd heard his live blues masterpiece.  Continuum truly is his the album he'll be remembered for in the future and that leads me back to Lindsay Ell.  That producer, who is half of the band Sugarland, told her the recreate Mayer's album solo.  Yeah not only was she asked to record all the songs on the album, but was asked to play every instrument, record, mix and arrange it herself.
Some people compare her singing to Sheryl Crow, but this girl really stands out as an exceptional guitarist.  Her version of Hendrix's "Axis Bold as Love" done by Mayer on his eponymous album is nothing less than outstanding.
Anybody on this forum that has turned a deaf ear to new music needs to believe great music is still being created and in this instance recreated with reverence.


https://youtu.be/PUyQlIBT0hw  At 2:38 of this song the guitar bleeds.  For me of course.....

Re: Lindsay Ell and the Downfall of John Mayer

IMHO it is a huge mistake to try and copy any album note for note, let alone a Mayer Masterpiece. Mayer fans know every part of that CD down to the note so when I hear her tracks all I can think of is why didn't she put her own spin on things? It's like someone trying to do a note for note version of Joe's "New Day Yesterday" CD. There is absolutely no possibility, at least in my head, that there could be a positive outcome. Only a comparison. To my ears it sounds like a tragic mistake in her career path. A little like our hero on this forum doing 'thematic' shows one after the other.

Re: Lindsay Ell and the Downfall of John Mayer

Everyone has an opinion for stuff like this.  I'd be curious Mayer's take on her recreation.  For one thing it's a woman doing his songs with zero back up musicians.  Todd Rundgren became a superster doing albums solo and I remember Henrik Freischlader doing it as well,  Taylor Swift felt honored when one of her heros, Ryan Adams redid her 1989 album.  I dom't care for Tawlor Swift, but I actually downloaded a couple of the Ryan songs.
Lindsay isn't plowing new ground here, but the sound more mimics Mayer's acouctic EP  of Continuum.  That's the one I listened to the most.

Re: Lindsay Ell and the Downfall of John Mayer

Yeah I guess I'm just saying there are ways to cover people's music and if you want to do a note for note version you had better be as good as the artist who wrote the stuff. I just don't get that vibe from Lindsay. To me it sounds more like someone who is struggling to do something she can't really do. But I respect your opinion. We all have different tastes and emotions.
Here's couple of covers of Mmayer stuff (not from Continuum) that, at least to me, are pretty darn amazing.

New Light https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge6Qr67KVmw
Something like Olivia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3yysq0plT0