Topic: Dos, Tres, Quatro!

I had "You and Me" BLARING on the cd player today as I drove in to work.
Now I have listened to that cd more times than I care to think about. This morning I heard something that I've never heard before. At the start of "I Don't Believe" I heard a faint voice saying "Quatro" before the start of the song.
I went back and replayed it a couple of times and can hear "dos, tres, quatro" kicking off the song.
Has anyone else noticed this? Am I the only one that's missed it all this time?

"Rock ON & Keep the Faith"

Re: Dos, Tres, Quatro!

I noticed it first take Bill, but I listen fluently in Español...I instantly expected a blast of "Wolly Bully"... I love that song "I Don't Believe"  Ok I do love "Wooly Bully" also smile

Rock On & Keep the Faith,

"He still doesn't charge for mistakes! wink"
"Everybody wants ta get inta the act!"
“Now, this isn’t your ordinary party crowd, here.  I mean, there are professionals in here.”

Re: Dos, Tres, Quatro!

Must be a severe case of Tinnitus. I think the cure is turning up the sound.
It's impossible not to have fun at one of Joe's shows, especially with the list of dignitaries from this forum that will be joining me!
I'm gonna need a second wind though. I was up at 5AM this morning and am dragging just a bit. I've got another 4 hours til showtime, probably 5 1/2 until Joe takes the stage.
I'm gonna head over to HOB's in an hour or so, sit and quaff a few beers. I'm sure I'll be wide awake once I get that jolt of adrenaline when Joe takes the stage.

"Rock ON & Keep the Faith"

Re: Dos, Tres, Quatro!

Yep, I hear it too. Reminds me of Steve Earle smile

never give up, never slow down
never grow old, never ever die young