tylermorris wrote:This is a demo that I made of the Joe Bonamassa Dunlop Signature Way Huge Overrated Special Pedal. I used a similar setup to the one that Joe described in his video about how to use the pedal properly. It is a great pedal and gets that British 60s/70s Rock/Blues tone out of almost any amplifier! - Tyler Morris
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAEqqtw … e=youtu.be
Great Job Tyler
Cheers Ron
"Joe B saved my soul, forever grateful Ron"
"Some people dream of worthy accomplishments while others stay awake and do them"
Skinner #1,JBLP 145(aged),252, (unaged),#285HM, Bburst #026, Joes 052 BCC black LP, Strat> RT,EC Gilmour,Beck,Lenny LP> PK 83,CC#2,3,4,9,Amps>Carol Ann RAH JB-100 SN 001,JB100 Red SN02,OD2, OD3,Tucana 2&3 Triptix,Twinkle land, Plexi ,JB Jub, Jubs,Plexi,Satch,Two Rock>others