Topic: European tours = England and Germany

For the past two years Joe's European tours have exclusively focussed on Britain (well, mostly England really) and Germany. Why is that? Is a proper European tour through mainland Europe including at least France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Spain too much of a hassle?
I long for the days when I could catch Joe live at least once, sometimes even twice a year. That has not happened for the past two years. A real shame.

Re: European tours = England and Germany

economic pressures and logistics I would imagine. Joe is almost constantly in demand and could never please all of the people all of the time, - I would guess that Roy books him to play where the return is greatest if he can, - why would he do otherwise? Speaking from an English point of view Joe is not a cheap act to see, - although it should be noted that he still does what he did last year by playing one show in a very small intimate venue. He is also heading up North to Scotland and South West to Plymouth this summer, - much lower population so it would be unfair to say that he forgets his fans and it all comes down to money.

What size venues could he sell out in France, Switzerland, Italy etc?

My YouTube channel with plenty of my Joe's videos dating from 2009 inc his first Hammersmith Odeon ones:

Re: European tours = England and Germany

Ian916 wrote:

What size venues could he sell out in France, Switzerland, Italy etc?

Many. The last couple of times I saw him was in Zurich, Milan, and Geneva. Anything between 5'000 to 10'000 seaters. All sold out (or very close). You see, I'm willing to travel, pay for the ticket (I never complained about the price, I think he deserves every penny!) and pay for a hotel. I always did that in the past. But Germany and England is too far for me.

Re: European tours = England and Germany

Bluesbreaker wrote:

For the past two years Joe's European tours have exclusively focussed on Britain (well, mostly England really) and Germany. Why is that? Is a proper European tour through mainland Europe including at least France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Spain too much of a hassle?
I long for the days when I could catch Joe live at least once, sometimes even twice a year. That has not happened for the past two years. A real shame.

Ummm, you must not be paying attention to the tour schedule because just last fall he was all over Europe. He was in Switzerland, Finland, Amsterdam, Paris, various Eastern European countries, etc. And the year before that he was only in the UK for two festivals in the summer, no other shows. He was in the rest of Europe that year, including 5 shows in Amsterdam. So not sure what you are complaining about.

Re: European tours = England and Germany

nmagcorn wrote:

Ummm, you must not be paying attention to the tour schedule because just last fall he was all over Europe. He was in Switzerland, Finland, Amsterdam, Paris, various Eastern European countries, etc. And the year before that he was only in the UK for two festivals in the summer, no other shows. He was in the rest of Europe that year, including 5 shows in Amsterdam. So not sure what you are complaining about.

I do pay attention to his tour schedule. Last fall he was not in Switzerland, as you claim - the last time was in October 2014. I know because I was there.
I understand if logistics only allow larger cities to be on the tour schedule. I just wish it included places like Geneva or Milan again in future. I'm not complaining, just expressing regret because no CD or DVD equals the excitement of seeing him live.