Topic: How to make a train ride better than normal.. ;-)

I'm sitting in the train at the moment, traveling from Amsterdam to Hengelo to see my girl again, this train ride takes about 2 hours, normaly i was always bored as s***, but since not so long ago I bought a mobile phone with windows mobile on it and an internet connection, now i'm sitting in a cabin, all alone, connected my phone to my laptop and on the internet with "Internet Sharing". Also connected my Ipod to my laptop and put all the albums of Joe in my playlist, and playing it as hard as i can becouse i'm sitting alone... how super is that big_smile

Re: How to make a train ride better than normal.. ;-)

I have to travel on a train for an hour to get to work and another hour to get back, which I have been doing for the last 3 months since I got the job. Until today I hadn't been able to listen to any CDs, ipod on the train cos the train noise always was louder than my ipod could go without rendering myself deaf. So I finally decided to buy some earphones that block the outside noise and I can't believe how well they work, I can have the volume on my ipod so low but still hear it. They cost me a bit but it was well worth it to listen to Joe's soloing on ANDY live's I Know Where I Belong rather than being bored out of my brains on the train.

Check out my band Beth and The Black Cat Bones
Also my own page for my guitar playing