Thank you all for the kind words. As of this morning the ticket is on the first leg of it's journey across the pond.
@Pete...Thanks for jumping in immediately and having your antennas up for your ticketless friend. Well played!
@RickB Thank you so much for offering to take on the responsibility of giving the ticket wings to get to it's new owner. Made it so much easier and less worrisome for me.
And @Kath...the tone of your post gave me shivers. London is very dear to me as well. I have been many times, for many reasons...even fell crazy, mad in love there once. So yes, this particular Joe gig was something I was over the top excited about...London...the small venue...oh dear, I think I'm getting teary..
Anyway, Kath, You are exactly the person I wished to have this ticket to take my place at Borderline. You are the person I was thinking of when I wrote here yesterday morning. Please enjoy (and rock out) for me!
Yesterday morning I could not have imagined that there was much about not being able to go other than that it just plain sucked. Today I can honestly say I feel happy and content about all of it! As I told Rickb in our emailing----
The Borderline gig will be...even for me, not being able to attend...a more special event, made possible by something that money could have never bought. You guys are something else!