Topic: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

After seeing photos of Joe with ex-Free bassist Andy Fraser yesterday, I got to thinking once again why I think the combination of Joe with the surviving members of Free would produce rock and roll magic - and be a beautiful tribute to the memory of Paul Kossoff.

Here's my article on the idea: … -idea.html

A little bird told me that Fraser thinks it a fine idea smile

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

We can dream....

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Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

Great dream, can't see it happening but yeah. big_smile

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

Stranger things have happened, and if I'm gonna dream, why not dream big? I was very encouraged when the first person to 'like' my article on Facebook was Andy Fraser's manager. As you may know, for many years it wasn't even something he would consider, but he's obviously (I think) not disliking the idea! Thing is, I know that Joe's first priority is, and should be, his very successful solo career. Still, I'm a fan of the music first, so I am given to dreaming smile

As you're spinning plates, one of them should always be heaped high with rock and roll.

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

I saw where Andy and Joe had dinner together.  Do you know what the photo was done for?

Joe has been wonderful with sharing the legacy of Free with a new audience.

I hope one day soon they can get back together and do a tribute to Koss.  But I do have to wonder what it would sound like since it has been so long ago.  Paul Rodgers and Andy play differently now than it was with Free.  Maybe a new album can sound different, but I hope they try to capture as they can how they sounded back then.  I would hope Paul would add more grit to his voice.  He still has it. And Andy the same way on bass. 

I as a Free fan, would love for the world to be introduce to this band again.  And would love some big screen clips of Koss playing during the concert.  So the world can see The Original.

"Holy Toledo"  -  Bill King   "Just Win Baby" - Al Davis  "The Autumn Wind" - Steve Sabol

6 (edited by PSmith1946 2012-07-15 12:36:38)

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

The RiverCat^-^ wrote:

I saw where Andy and Joe had dinner together.  Do you know what the photo was done for?

Joe has been wonderful with sharing the legacy of Free with a new audience.

I hope one day soon they can get back together and do a tribute to Koss.  But I do have to wonder what it would sound like since it has been so long ago.  Paul Rodgers and Andy play differently now than it was with Free.  Maybe a new album can sound different, but I hope they try to capture as they can how they sounded back then.  I would hope Paul would add more grit to his voice.  He still has it. And Andy the same way on bass. 

I as a Free fan, would love for the world to be introduce to this band again.  And would love some big screen clips of Koss playing during the concert.  So the world can see The Original.

Just for you to keep you going. Saw them 7 times in total including the IOW festival. Best band I ever saw for years. What would Kossoff have been like if still going now? cool … re=related

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

RiverCat - I agree that it not only wouldn't sound like old Free, in fact, it shouldn't. I'd like to hear what would come out of these outstanding musos at this point in time smile

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

tony conley wrote:

RiverCat - I agree that it not only wouldn't sound like old Free, in fact, it shouldn't. I'd like to hear what would come out of these outstanding musos at this point in time smile

I have to say, that would be my concern.

I have to go the other way and they can do something together how they sound now.  But if it is a "Free" get together,  I would hope they would try to recapture what made that band so special.
Andy and Simon are one of Rock's best Rhythm sections of all time, and I want that recaptured.

Laying down that special groove they have, as Paul Rodgers digs deep into his soul to that rawness of singing that he sang so well.  I am hoping Simon can take them all back to their Song of Yesterday
As it needs to be heard one more time today smile

"Holy Toledo"  -  Bill King   "Just Win Baby" - Al Davis  "The Autumn Wind" - Steve Sabol

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

PSmith1946 wrote:
The RiverCat^-^ wrote:

I saw where Andy and Joe had dinner together.  Do you know what the photo was done for?

Joe has been wonderful with sharing the legacy of Free with a new audience.

I hope one day soon they can get back together and do a tribute to Koss.  But I do have to wonder what it would sound like since it has been so long ago.  Paul Rodgers and Andy play differently now than it was with Free.  Maybe a new album can sound different, but I hope they try to capture as they can how they sounded back then.  I would hope Paul would add more grit to his voice.  He still has it. And Andy the same way on bass. 

I as a Free fan, would love for the world to be introduce to this band again.  And would love some big screen clips of Koss playing during the concert.  So the world can see The Original.

Just for you to keep you going. Saw them 7 times in total including the IOW festival. Best band I ever saw for years. What would Kossoff have been like if still going now? cool … re=related

Thank you for this.  This made my Day smile

This has to be one of the songs that they do.  The groove is sooooooooooo purrrrrr-fecttt.

I only got to see them once.  And that once blew my little claws off my paws.  That is how overpowering they were.

I am so happy for you that you got to see them all those times including the famous festival.
It's wonderful when you see a band that makes that kind of impression.

I wonder that too about Kossoff.  He touched me so much with what he did.

"Holy Toledo"  -  Bill King   "Just Win Baby" - Al Davis  "The Autumn Wind" - Steve Sabol

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

Jane H. wrote:

Oh yeah if we had a nickel for each time this fantasy has crossed a Joe and Free fan's mind we could book the session! wink

Heck of an idea Tony. Would i love to see it though? Yeah but at what sacrifice right now?
The best part of the idea is the part about recording something new although perhaps just a one off or short tour of hits might be more doable.

honestly i cringe at almost anything that would take Joe further away from a BCC tour but i think this would be justifiable.

i couldn't help but thinking of the radio aspect of it too. new stuff - hey then the darn Classic rock station here would have some competition if the rock station is playing something new. the classic station plays only two Free songs i think, mostly "All Right Now" and so often that its sickening really. they'd either REALLY have to change their 'only old is classic' thing or let the rock station take over the task. or if Joe did a Free tour the demand for other cuts that are old might at least get them to change their list on occasion.

I know all that is just fantasy too....if Joe was going to change rock radio would it have already been done? its easy to think yeah but i still have the faith. no I am not giving up on that

again though, just one more thing to distract from BCC world domination IMO but maybe this is the time. i mean we got the acoustic gigs, the Hart stuff etc. i love them all and i know Joe loves doing them but part of me still holds out the hope that its part of the grand plan. get this stuff out of your system Joe, prove you're the best at anything you try then that is all out of the way for when enough of the listening public gains knowledge of your being and BCC and/or JBB can take over at the top of the rock world 4eva!!  I think a Free collaboaration could help spread the word about Joe (but also might just make more demand for more Free). its almost a scary thought. Good scary.....

(of course as alwasy i want Joe to do whatever he wants even if he goes all acoustic or whatever and that isn't dissing anything either i just have my strong needs)

I don't think your the only JB Fan who is "needy" LOL

Your rock candy baby
Your hard sweet and sticky

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

Much as I'd love to see Free live, with Joe on guitar, I'd be far less keen on talk of new Free material recorded without Paul Kossoff. The band has a fantastic legacy done in such a short period of time, and in my view nothing Paul, Simon or Andy has done since has come close to the brilliance of the original Free recordings.

"The recently formed Edinburgh Blues Club has identified an appetite for the personal communication between musicians and audience that the blues long ago perfected." The Herald Newspaper (Scotland)

12 (edited by The RiverCat^-^ 2012-07-20 14:21:14)

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

Greenose wrote:

Much as I'd love to see Free live, with Joe on guitar, I'd be far less keen on talk of new Free material recorded without Paul Kossoff. The band has a fantastic legacy done in such a short period of time, and in my view nothing Paul, Simon or Andy has done since has come close to the brilliance of the original Free recordings.

Free was an outstanding band and one of my favorites. 

But Paul Rodgers has had a brilliant career.  Pretty awesome for someone who comes out of a band like that.  Even though I agree about Free, I cannot agree that Paul Rodgers was not as brilliant as Free. For him and Simon to come out into another super group is pretty awesome.

All you have to do is listen to Paul Rodgers outstanding vocals to know that he is a Legend in his own right cool

His Muddy Water Blues album to me is just as great as anything he did with Free.  His Vocals on Rollin Stone with Jeff Beck is one of his finest vocal performances ever.  And then to go from that type of vocal to the ultimate in smoothness of voice in Standin' Round Crying is just plain amazing.  Paul Rodgers was made to sing the Blues. And he was also made to sing Rock.  And then to throw in something extra, here is one of the best songs he ever did which is a folk song.  One of his most beloved and requested songs of all time.

"Holy Toledo"  -  Bill King   "Just Win Baby" - Al Davis  "The Autumn Wind" - Steve Sabol

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

I'd love to see a new record, and a few select dates at a few key cities around the world. I've always thought that Free catalog was much too thin, and to claims that the surviving members haven't done good work, well, that's not quite the case. Rodgers has done an awful lot of good work, even if not quite up to the level of Free and Bad Co, and Andy Fraser has done well on his own terms.

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

I've kept out of this thread so far, which is a surprise for me in a way, as I been banging on about Free reforming, with possibly Joe being a better fit than anybody, since I became a member on here.

I'm still for Free reforming, performing and even writing & recording, if the 3 of them would be prepared to, but I doubt that Joe would be the man. Why so?

Because a project of this nature, becoming a new member of an iconic band, would require a tremendous committment. Much like Paul Rodgers did with Queen. As I've heard him say himself (PR that is), the Queen & PR thing was a little get together that went on for 4 years!

Much as JB would salivate at the chance I'm sure, it would be too demanding on his own schedule and plans. If the Free thing were to really gather momentum it would have to be in the next couple of years and Joe's pretty much mapped out for that period of time. Never say never though.

As for new music by the band, were it to reform, I would be interested. It should never be forgotten that Free were 4 very young men at the time. The music they wrote and played had the exuberance and spontaneity of their youth, but was earthed in the blues so therefore made them sound so much more mature than they were.

Rodgers can still write good songs, but some of his finest work was with Andy Fraser. It may be that they work better together than apart, so who is to say that they couldn't hit an occasional peak together again?

As far as the guitar role is concerned, as River Cat points out, Rodgers own Muddy Waters Blues albums features about 8 or 9 different guitarists, and I would be quite happy to see them follow that route on any recorded work, whether it be new material or updated versions of older tracks.

As a result of this thread I have revisited my entire Free/Kossoff catalogue over the past days. It needs to be stated that much of Kossoff's playing from '72 on wasn't great. The talent was almost already gone. So when we talk of him we tend to eulogise over a period of less than 3 years. I love and cherish the work he did in that period but it needs to be placed in context sometimes.

For me, Free is a band that should reform and play those wonderful songs again BECAUSE of Paul Kossoff.

If you read the Jon Lord thread you will see people believe artists/Keys players would queue up to play in a tribute to Jon Lord BECAUSE of who and what Jon Lord represented in music.

Thats what I feel about Kossoff. He was a founding member of one of the greatest Blues/Rock bands of all time. His role in that and his legacy of that are worthy of celebrating again............and I believe it will be.

No Hits, No Hype.......................Classic Rock Jan 2012

Re: I Would Just Love To See Joe Play With Free

Very well put, hansamike smile