Wow cool, only just discovered this thread, such a cool idea, and so many great players, love this forum
I was wondering if any virtuosos out there could mabye point out some flaws to improve in my playing? My main issue is that i practice unplugged all the time and when it comes to recording with a loud-distorted amp, i get intimidated by how sensitive the instrument can be and struggle to retain control to the point where i can miss a note here and there.
Here's a short video of me managing to keep control for about 95% of the video (Btw some of you may have seen me post this video before for a different purpose but just disregard that and critique to your hearts content
And for anyone who's willing to indulge me and take a couple minutes to analyze my playing, here is a video of me improvising off the cuff, its the most honest portrayal of my flaws as a guitarist i can offer. (If you only watch 1 of my videos, watch this one) … ure=relmfu
I just need an outsiders perspective and in exchange for some tips/advice i will gladly subscribe to your channel and 'like' every video you have, a small incentive with the best intentions ANYONE'S feedback will be welcomed with open arms
For the record im 20 and have been playing for over 6 years
Thank you to anyone who takes the time to help me
Me playing Joe's actual Ibanez Tubescreamer pedal -