Topic: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

Mods, this is worthy of its own thread (if not do whatever with it). Such an honour. Joanne has being asked by Annie Lennox to perform with her at the Jubilee celebration at Buckingham Palace. My understanding is, Annie is doing one of her originals with blues feel to it, Joanne gets a solo too. There will be upwards 500,000 people lining Pall Mall to watch this. Incredible. I believe it is being broadcast in the use as well as all over the world.

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

Amazing news - well done Joanne! Enjoy the day.

When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

That's about the best publicity she can get. Better get my ticket for her Glasgow date now..................just in case.

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

A singular honour! Congratulations to Jo.

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Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

mbcl wrote:

Mods, this is worthy of its own thread (if not do whatever with it). Such an honour. Joanne has being asked by Annie Lennox to perform with her at the Jubilee celebration at Buckingham Palace. My understanding is, Annie is doing one of her originals with blues feel to it, Joanne gets a solo too. There will be upwards 500,000 people lining Pall Mall to watch this. Incredible. I believe it is being broadcast in the use as well as all over the world.

I would have posted it up if you hadn't, because this certainly is an amazing honor for 'our' JST! big_smile

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

That is so cool - alittle different than the little roadhouse I saw her in Florida last year.

Love story like this when someone with obvious talent gets some recognition.


"There's a lot of people that are in so much of a hurry to be, I guess, to be famous or that they don't want to take the time to learn to play and do all that.They'd rather just knock it down off a computer and maybe get on a game show and get famous..That's fine if that's what you want to do.
"We're more old school than that. We like creating the sounds."  - Tom Petty

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

No mention of JST in this Guardian article, … ert-lineup  - but then, she's not a household name is she ... yet!

GOOD KARMA - … o1_500.jpg
Avatar Credit: D.Hirst,Olympic Union Flag
Adele: RAH -
We Are The Champ20ns

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

They only list the lead artists and not the individual band member names, which is the norm.

Brack wrote:

No mention of JST in this Guardian article, … ert-lineup  - but then, she's not a household name is she ... yet!

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

She's nominated for the British Blues Awards this year as well...I would have voted for her, but I know Chantel McGregor from when we used to play at the same jam nights, so she gets my vote every time.

Guitars: Fender American Original 60s Strat, Fender American Vintage 52 Tele, Gibson Les Paul Traditional
FX: Various including - Ceriatone Centura, Fire Custom Shop Carpe Diem
Amp: Fender ML212 Deville + 212 extention cabinet

10 (edited by BansheeUK 2012-06-01 08:29:24)

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

Adrian J wrote:

She's nominated for the British Blues Awards this year as well...I would have voted for her, but I know Chantel McGregor from when we used to play at the same jam nights, so she gets my vote every time.

I'd like to see the day when Joanne (Chantel, Dani et all) get equal nomination with the guys in the Guitar category. The time's I've seen Joanne especially, she puts everything and more into her playing and I bet there's not many of the guys she couldn't go toe-to-toe with and at least match.


When life gives you lemons; don't make lemonade.
Give back the lemons.  Why were the lemons free?  What's wrong with the lemons?
Do Not trust the lemons...

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

mbcl wrote:

Mods, this is worthy of its own thread (if not do whatever with it). Such an honour. Joanne has being asked by Annie Lennox to perform with her at the Jubilee celebration at Buckingham Palace. My understanding is, Annie is doing one of her originals with blues feel to it, Joanne gets a solo too. There will be upwards 500,000 people lining Pall Mall to watch this. Incredible. I believe it is being broadcast in the use as well as all over the world.

Jo,  like many have multiple threads no harm no foul. JST is part of the family around here. Congrats. What an honor.

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

What an honour for Joanne and what an honour for the Queen as well!!!

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

Nice solo from Joanne to show the crowd some class playing. Didn't she look gorgeous in those angel wings too. smile

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

“The guy who has helped the blues industry the most is Joe Bonamassa and I would say he is more rock than some rock stuff, so to me blues is whatever you want it to be!”
Simon McBride in my interview with him in Blues Matters! Issue #56

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

Just managed to catch JST smile (was hopping backwards and forwards to Springwatch)

Nice to see that one of the bassists being used is Lee Pomeroy. I saw him earlier this year with Steve Hackett and a few years back with Rick Wakeman.

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

Wooders wrote:

Nice solo from Joanne to show the crowd some class playing. Didn't she look gorgeous in those angel wings too. smile

By far the highlight of a load of middle-of-the-road blah, the worst of which for me was the waxen figurine of Grace Jones, who really looked like some kind of zombie. yikes

Hope Joanne at least gets to keep the wings. wink … 4079_n.jpg

RIP Iron Man

Rock On and keep the Faith

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

Sounded like that was played though a 15w practice amp...errr...
What a dull event overall.

17 (edited by cathysiler 2012-06-04 21:56:03)

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

She looked great!! The feed kept buffering, so I'll enjoy seeing it on ABC tomorrow night. And, she played a Les Paul!!! I didn't notice that right away! Is she a Gibby Girl now smile    Cathy

Just up smile

Another. The first buffered lots for me … re=related

Re: Joanne Shaw Taylor to play for the Queen!!

Better say nothing ... ?!?
Don't need that kind of entertainment.
Angel wings?!? What for?