Topic: Sky High Ticket prices

I would like to hear my fellow Bonabuddies comments on these lastest re-union tours with tix priced at $200 to $350. Personally I don't get it!!!! Why do The Eagles or The Police have to charge these ridiculously high prices, when other big name acts playing Arenas and other Stadium shows can put on a show with the same quality of sound and lighting, for the sake of argument, say $50, $60, or maybe $75. Artists and promoters who test what the market will bear at these prices can only be considered greedy. I can understand blocks of front row "VIP" seating for those who feel the need to be that important, like I'd want to sit next to them anyhow. I'd rather rub elbows and high 5 with somebody like the Shredster. My favorite music experiences are listening to up and coming talent in clubs anyway. When fans rush out and sell out these inflated gigs it only perpetuates this practice and encourages even higher pricing to come. Well gang what are your feelings on this? Also, this question is for our friends across the pond, does this practice go on in Europe too, or is it strictly an American capitalistic ploy?????  Vent your spleen and post up!!!!!!!

                                                                                                        Seeing Red,

                                                                                                        J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

Inflation???????????    Remember many years back going to see Joe Walsh play at a pavillion on friday nights for a buck.   Whatever the market will bear.

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

I agree totally!! Prices have gone up absurd! Last time the Eagles were here in Holland the cheapest tickets were about a 100 Euro, something like 120 dollars.
One of the explanations from MOJO concerts( they are the biggest concertorganizer in Holland took over all the little ones and have a monopoly),
was: The Eagles don't want to play the stadiums anymore, played in AHOY rotterdam but wanted the same amount of money!!! (saw them 4 times for 25 dollars in the past, last time 6 years ago)
I think those bands earned so much money in the past that they could play for nothing, to relieve all their fans from the last decades. Some bands only reunite for the money, a lot have moneyproblems is told but that's their problem (drugs, alcohol, divorces, tax). When you have earned so much and you're broke you're an idiot and I'm not their sponsor, I'm a musiclover!

They need more money? Should have enough, look at their fans, have to work hard for a few dollars, we want more but don't get it

I have the money to go but I don't. I saw all those bands live in the past, but now I stop with them. Too greedy and I don't believe their reasons.

I prefer people like Joe, they are nice and honest.

T went to Bospop and saw: Joe, Gary Moore, John Fogerty, Paul Rodgers, John Mayall, Eric Sardinas and others for 60 dollars. Eagles alone 130???
Not worth it!
I won't get fooled by them.

I love musicians not money machines and that's what those reunited bands are!!

Andre Wittebroek.

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

I agree with you, Andre, that is the reason we refused to go to the Stones this year. We wanted to take our daughters with us butit would cost  500 euros to get in front of the podium. Insane!! We saw them several times playing but there comes a time that there is no longer a balance between the price of a ticket and that what you get for it. .
Have a nice sunday!

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

This is an interesting subject.  For me it really depends on who is playing and how much do I really want to see them.  If it is a once in a lifetime show, then I might pay a bit more.  But if it's like the Stones who I have seen before, I would not shell out hundreds and hundreds of dollars to see them.  Some great bands like U2, Eric Clapton seems to keep things reasonable in todays terms.  I do think that there are many bands that are trying to get as much money from the fans as they possibly can which is a shame...  I believe that Joe is playing later on in August in NY for $5.00!!!

Music is good for the Soul...

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

I know, I get angry sometimes at the ridiculous tix. prices. I passed on the Stones when they came through here a few years ago. I can go giggin locally all week for the same amount, with better seats. When Clapton came here awhile back I bit the bullet and paid $125 ea. for some crummy seats, throw in the $8.00 beers and it wasnt worth it. I would gladly pay $100 if its a blues festival with multiple artist, you get your moneys worth in my opinion. I know some one posted awhile back about the Led Zep and Cream reunion on the same bill, now I'd jump on a plane and get scalped for tix. to see that. I guess theres always an exception, depends on how bad you want it.


7 (edited by bipolarbear 2007-07-22 10:00:40)

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

David A. wrote:

I believe that Joe is playing later on in August in NY for $5.00!!!

If you're referring to Saranac, that's $17.00.

J Dawg,
The only way I would pay over $50 to see somebody is if it was for a benefit.


Re: Sky High Ticket prices

bipolarbear wrote:
David A. wrote:

I believe that Joe is playing later on in August in NY for $5.00!!!

If you're referring to Saranac, that's $17.00.

J Dawg,
The only way I would pay over $50 to see somebody is if Hendrix or SRV came back from the dead.


My mistake, it's in Ohio (Joeohio) on the 31st of August that Joe is playing for $5.00!!

Music is good for the Soul...

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

It's not just concerts.

Houston Texans single game tickets went on sale this past week. They suck and you could get end zone tickets for $239 each + service charges and parking.

We went to the movies the other day. Tickets were $9 / each. 2 popcorns and 4 cokes was $28 after we cashed in our coupon.....

Don't even get me started on the Astros.......

Indigenous (discussed in another thread) was $20/ each plus service of the openers on the bill didn't even show up.  We didn't enjoy the show.

I'd rather pay $120 / each to see Clapton and know that I was getting a great product before I left the house. Ditto with the Eagles or some of the others mentioned.

Granted, this stuff has gotten a little outrageous but that is why some of these artists are touring. The money they can get is just too good. They probably wouldn't do it for less. They don't have to. I think if the shows didn't sell you just wouldn't get an opportunity to see them anymore. It kinda sucks but thats just part of it today.


“A friend is someone that will help you move............a TRUE friend will help you move the bodies." -- anon

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

Phil like always you make a lot of sense. I guess it's just a fact of life here in the land of OPPURTUNITY. It doesn't mean we have to like it though.

                                                                                            J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

The first time I saw the Stones in 1975 (I'm showing my age here!) tickets were $10.00 -
and the Eagles opened for them.  Last year we paid $400.00 each to see the Stones with
Buddy Guy opening. The place was sold out.  I guess if if they can get it, they get greedy.
Of course Joe travels in a luxury bus with a couple other people, the Stones travel with
over 500 people - tudors, chefs, nanny's, doctors, etc. There are not too many I would
pay that price to see, but I am a huge Stones fan and they will not be around too much
longer.  What's even worse than the ticket price is the service charges added on.
I could write a book about Ticketmaster -they are crooks.

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

12 (edited by the dude 2007-07-22 14:56:41)

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

As much as I don't like it, supply and demand plus inflation means the dollar just doesn't go as far as it used to.  You'd think some of these folks could still make a killing without bleeding their fans dry quite so bad (BB King was at the Surf recently for $45, all in all pretty reasonable), but like Phil said would they tour if the money wasn't as good.  There's a message in here somewhere about the bifurcation of society into the really rich (think Bruce Springsteen and hedge fund traders) who are doing great, and the rest of us who struggle to keep up.  But then, that's really waaay off topic for a site that's not involved in financial or political-economic topics.

Edited to add that I remember reading that Mick Jagger attended the London School of Economics.  It seems he learned his lessons extremely well.

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

Yes Mick is a smart businessman - he says people pay that much to see most major sporting events,
why shouldn't they pay equal to see us.

Lose your dreams and you will lose your mind.  Mick Jagger

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

As much as I agree, the simple truth of the matter is that as long as there is demand, the prices will go up. As long as someone wants to pay a crapload to see the Stones, the ticket prices are going to be a crapload. Fortunately, the good news is that when people stop paying that money, the prices will come down.

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

My ReverbNation page for Dees & Friends - check us out!

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

I just ordered my tickets for Joe's show at the Pageant in St. Louis. For 4 tickets in the front, including handling and service fees through ticketmaster, it was going to be $178.00. Having been to the Pageant before, I opted for tickets at stage level and just off from the center, which are actually better seats, for $128.00 for 4 tickets.

With Joe playing more theater type venues the ticket prices will be going up unfortunately.

Personally, I would not pay a huge amount of money to sit in a stadium, fight the crowds, or pay outrageous prices for a beverage just to see an artist on a jumbotron screen. I could buy the DVD, sit in the comfort of my home, drink and not have to worry about driving, and have my friends over and have a better view of the artists on my tv! Oh, and also have money left over to travel to see another Joe show!

Just my 2 cents!


"I don't think obsessions have reasons, that's why they're obsessions....National Geographic likes their pictures in focus..." Robert Kincaid

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

Deezer wrote:

As much as I agree, the simple truth of the matter is that as long as there is demand, the prices will go up. As long as someone wants to pay a crapload to see the Stones, the ticket prices are going to be a crapload. Fortunately, the good news is that when people stop paying that money, the prices will come down.

Right, Deezer.  Like anything else, concert tickets will be rationed by the market on price, or on quality and availability.

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

I work at major sports and entertainment venue and have seen the results of  high ticket prices . The average "Joe"  can't afford to take his or her family to a professional sporting event without dropping a few hundred dollars ( tix, parking ,food, souvenirs ) Arena's now cater to corporations that can afford $250,000.00 a year sutes and premium seating packages . Who else can afford $750.00 courtside seats ? But just so the working stiff dont feel left out they'll offer $25.00 seats in the last row of the balcony. ( gee thanks ) . The result is a fan base that is at the game to have a 5 star dinner while shmoozing a client  and the game is secondary. The real fans that support the teams buy the merchandise and live and die by them are left to watch them on t.v. or save for the 1 or 2 games they can afford each year. Boy I miss the old days when $20.00 got you something besides a hotdog and a beer...:)........Paul

Re: Sky High Ticket prices

I hear you JBRules, some of my friends tried to talk me into buying a minor season ticket plan for the Giants this season to guarantee getting tix for the All-Star game. I said no thanks having been to the '84 & '87 All-Star games in SF & Oakland. The All-Star games are a farce. They're one big corporate advertisement, and all the corp. fat cats and their clients get all the good seats and the regular fans like myself that support the team all season long get dumped in the nose bleed seats in the outfield. Oh yeah for the same ticket price too. The sad thing is all the corp. douches came late and left early and probably never knew the final score. It's great to be a fan. However a good friend of mine had the winning bid to get his Dad balldude for a night at a Giants game. The game he picked is this Thur. vs. the Braves and I've been invited to use one of the 40 tix Mike bought to bring friends and family to see Gary possibly muff a foul grounder. If we're lucky we might see a very historic moment, regardless of the steroid BS.

                                                                                              Think 755/756 Thur.

                                                                                              J Dawg

What is success? Is it do yo' own thang, or is it to join the rest?   -Allen Toussaint