Topic: Hello from Glasgow!

Greetings JB forumites!

My name's Andrew, I'm 22 and I'm currently in the process of sacrificing my rock n' roll dreams to become a chemist. Fortunately I like chemistry enough to the point where I'm willing to commit to a PhD for 4 years - I'm awaiting offers - but hopefully it won't diminish my appetite for the guitar! After the PhD who knows what will happen...

I got into Joe by listening to Planet Rock, and since then he's turned into one of my favourite guitar players. He's got such a huge depth of musicality and soul that just isn't found in your dime-a-dozen popstar wannabes that you hear in the charts these days, and of course he does things with a guitar that are incredible. I can play a fair few of his songs now; currently I'm trying to put the singing and playing bits of Woke Up Dreaming together which is not easy! Looking forward to him showing me how it's done in Edinburgh tomorrow night cool

I don't think that I could do what Joe does; I'm more comfortable doing the backing vocals and letting my guitar do the singing/wailing/screeching (delete as appropriate) for me. I used to play in a Glasgow-based classic rock band called Contact Lost. We played in many of the smaller venues in Glasgow, we managed to bag a couple in Edinburgh (including one which was essentially part of the Edinburgh Festival) and as far as that well-known thriving metropolis of Stirling... Never quite made it to King Tut's though which has been an ambition of mine for a while.

So that's basically me, I'll happily babble on about most things guitar-related for as long as anybody will let me. Happy forum-ing!

I long for those days of simple times
Days when guitar strings cost a dime

Re: Hello from Glasgow!

Welcome to the Forum! (can't wait till tomorrow either!)

Hey mister Jelly Roll baker can I please be your slave?!

Re: Hello from Glasgow!

Welcome, having just seen Joe he is in great form. Welcome and enjoy.

Come on the Blades (sorry Idolbone just had to borrow your line)