Hallo Eva,
Geko kommt aus Moenchengladbach-Rheydt, weiss ich weil wir uns Bonamassapost geschickt haben.
Wir werden uns alle treffen beim Paradisokonsert, allerdings versuchen wir es.
We 'll have contact in time , September will be o.k. So far as I know now, the following forummembers are coming to Paradiso Octobre 12th.
Michael Lynch - UK
Lynn B - UK
Geko - Germany
Eva - Germany
Marijke - Holland
Marianne - Holland
Annelies - Holland
Jan Bonamassa- Holland
Myself -Holland.
Joe Bonamassa and band- USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I forgot some, help me out please. Kommst du auch Issy?
As said before we want to do something together before the show, having a meal ( maybe with the band) or something and go to the show together and hopefully have a meeting with the band for a picture. Me, Michael, Annelies and Marianne met Joe before but I don't think the others did or am I wrong?
I hope Marianne or Annelies can arrange a restaurant or something, I don't know Amsterdam that well. Came there often when I was younger but that was then and Amsterdam has changed a lot since.
Joe if you read this what do you think of this? Let us know please when you can.
Andre Wittebroek.
P.S. Geko , gehst du nach Schoeppingen, habe dir ein Email geschickt aber nichts gehoert.